Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Capturing the Friedmans

Country: USA 2003

Picture from imdb
Details: capturingthefriedmans

Seen: 30 Dec 2004
I went to see this documentary expecting a straight forward style documentary. But the photography itself sucked me into the family's trials and tribulations. It is astounding that the mother didn't know what had happened during all those years. She was alone against the husband and children when the trials started. I guess she felt let down after so many years being together as a married couple. It seems as if this is typical of families with problems related to allegations of sexual misconduct with minors.
In Malaysia studies show that the mothers tend to turn the other way when the breadwinner is accused of sexual mischief with minors in the family or outsiders. This attitude is more pronounced when the mothers are dependent on their husbands to provide for the family.
Taking advantage of minors almost always occurs within 'normal' 'average' families in most communities. The impact explodes onto everyone only when the victim has mustered enough courage to speak to someone.

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