Monday, November 06, 2006


Malaysia 2006

Picture and details twitchfilm

Seen 4 November 2006

Full marks for art direction. Certain frames were just meant to be. A teenage boy coming of age story - fatherless, the passing away of his only elder brother, a mother seeing another man, he himself falling in love. Most of the actors are first timers so some scenes do feel a bit stiff. Fortunately, the actors need not say a lot as the whole atmospheric feel is conveyed by the superb camera work. The main theme song by Odetta - Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child - permeates the film's overall outlook and is hauntingly relevant to the whole storyline. The lyrics:

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
A long way from home
A long way from home
True believer
A long way from home
A long way from home

Sometimes I feel like I'm almost gone
Sometimes I feel like I'm almost gone
Sometimes I feel like I'm almost gone
Way up in that heavenly land
Way up in that heavenly land

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