Poster and details bangkokfilm
Seen 25 July 2007
A thriller of good versus evil with help from mystical forces. The three main characters lead quite different lives. A policeman, a reporter and a singer. But their lives are linked to each other as it is their fate to meet up one day. They encounter evil forces along the way who are trying their best to get a hidden treasure. There is an ominous feeling that those in power are hell bent in getting their way irrespective of the cost it takes. Nevertheless, there is a curse on the hidden treasure and many die along the way. There is also a hint of abnormal sexual orientation of one of the leading characters. But at least the sexual orientation of the character does not prevent him being a leader in the eternal battle against evil.
I just wished things were as simple, but the no- gooders seem to be winning in the real world at the moment.
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