Saturday, April 05, 2014

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

USA 2013

Details IMDB

Seen 25 January 2013

Ratings from other sources
IMDB 6.1/10
Rotten tomatoes Average Rating 4.0/10

Bounty hunters who track and kill witches all over the world.

My Ratings .5.0/10

My impressions

The past experience helps
But new demons and evils
Will always try to overpower
Whoever comes across their paths

The fights, duels and schemes continues
Each against the other
Trying to outdo, outwit the other

Will the siblings succeed
They do have an advantage
Endowed with goodness but
There is always a twist
As they continue in efforts to uphold what is right

Trying to save as many as possible

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