Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

Country: Korea 2005

Picture imdb
Details imdb

Seen 27 February 2006
A very appropriate title since almost everyone that lady, Lee Geum-ja has met tries to help her in her plan for revenge. She was in jail for thirteen years accused of a crime that was not her own doing. She was threatened by the real perpetrator that her daughter will be killed if she did not confess to the crimes. Her plan for revenge was elaborate to say the least but she managed to get her man in the end. Despite her success she still feels remorse about what happened to her daughter all those years ago. The daughter herself has accepted what happened in the past. Both mother and daughter will start a new life fresh and pure as the snow flakes that fall at the end of the film. Some scenes seem more like cultural symbols and might be better understood if we know more about the Korean psyche.

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